We Accept All Major Credit Cards

Drivers Ed Classes For Upstate SC & Surrounding Areas.

What We Offer

Point Reduction/Driver Improvement Class (Online) - $80.00

Drivers Ed Class (Online OR In-Person) + Driving + Drivers Test - $340.00

1HR Practice + Drivers Test - $120.00 (Meet at Office)

Drivers Test - $70.00 (Meet at Office)

Hourly Driving Practice - $220.00 For 3HR Practice

Beginners Permit Testing - $40.00....$30.00 For Drivers Ed Students (Only available on Saturdays, Online Appointment Is REQUIRED, unless you are a Drivers Ed Student)

We accept Cash, Paypal, and all Major Credit Cards

Online Appointments Are Required For Beginners Permit Testing.

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Hours Of Operation

Monday         8AM – 6PM

Tuesday        8AM – 6PM

Wednesday   8AM – 4PM

Thursday       8AM – 6PM

Friday             8AM – 6PM

Saturday        8:30AM – 5PM (In-Person Students Not Required To Register For Class In Advance) 

Monday-Friday Office Hours Are By Appointment Only.     (864) 704-7295

Greer Drivers Ed DMV Drivers Test Route

Drivers Ed Classes for Upstate SC

We are experienced, DMV Certified, Driver Instructors, offering Drivers Ed for Upstate South Carolina Students. We hold weekly Drivers Ed classes, offer Insurance Discounts, Practice for the drivers test, Regular hourly driving practice, and Drivers testing. We provide students with a safe and relaxed atmosphere for learning.  

Drivers Ed Schools near Greer

Drivers Training Classes for The Upstate

Our Drivers Ed classes for students in Upstate South Carolina are held Online & In-Person, every Saturday. The Drivers Ed class Starts at  8:30AM, Pizza & Bottled water are provided for Lunch at no additional cost. Students may bring a lunch if they prefer to do so. We are located at 293 Spartanburg Hwy in Lyman SC through the week, by appointment only, for your convenience. Booking for any of our training services is available online by clicking below or by phone at (864) 704-7295. Drivers Ed Class topics include: Why defensive driving for upstate teens is so important, common driving errors & how to avoid them, how to do the basic SCDMV test maneuvers like parallel parking, 3pt turning, straight-line backing, overnight parking, and much more. 

Point Reduction/Driver Improvement Course

In addition to Drivers Ed courses, our Driver Improvement/ Point Reduction Classes are held Online only (ZOOM) each week. The virtual Driver Improvement classroom opens at 8:30AM Saturday mornings and class begins around 8:45-9AM. This extra 15 minutes allows students to troubleshoot any technical difficulties. Students can register online by booking a service below or by phone at (864) 704-7295. Our Certified Instructors teach the AAA Driver Improvement Course. This one-day class can help your Motor Vehicle Record with up to a 4 Point Reduction (Number of points removed varies by state). Class duration varies based on breaks and class flow.

Drivers Ed/4pt Reduction Class logo in Greer SC

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RJ'S Driving School Logo

Drivers Education Course

  • DMV Certified Classes (offered weekly)
  • Student driving + test
  • Insurance Discount Form
  • DMV Requirements Met 
  • $290 For Class + Driving
  • $50 For Drivers Test
  • $340 Total Cost
Greenville Drivers Training Logo

Drivers Testing

  • DMV Drivers Test
  • No Waiting in line
  • Same-Day Testing
  • $70
Speed Limit Sign For Greer Drivers Training

4pt Reduction Class

  • AAA Driver Improvement Course
  • Insurance Savings 
  • Weekly Classes
  • DMV Certified Program
  • $80

Upstate Four Point Reduction Class

Online Driver Improvement & Point Reduction course.

RJ'S Driving School

Training Teen Drivers on Spartanburg Roadway

This is an accredited AAA point reduction program.

What This Course Will Do For You

Have you been involved in a car accident? Received a ticket for a Traffic Violation? We can Help. Completion of this AAA Driver Improvement Course taught by our instructors, can help your Motor Vehicle Record with up to a Four Point Reduction. (This applies to individuals with a valid South Carolina Drivers License, point reduction varies by state). If you are facing a Drivers License suspension for points loss, you must complete the course before your suspension begins. (This defensive driving course, while removing up to four points, will not automatically cancel your suspension once it begins). Points can only be reduced once in a 3yr period (S.C. Drivers).

This Course Will Not…

  1. Dismiss your ticket. Your traffic court makes all decisions relating to ticket dismissals. 
  2. Give you discounted insurance rates. While reducing points may have a positive impact on your Insurance Rates, this course does not provide a direct insurance discount of any kind.
  3. Remove points for future violations. If the violation occurs before the class completion date, then up to four points will be given. Violations occurring after the course date, will not be eligible for points reduction.
  4. This Course is NOT for alcohol or drug related offenses.

What You Will Learn

  • Techniques for avoiding collisions and traffic violations
  • How building safe and responsible driving habits can pay off for you
  • Defensive Driving for challenging and unpredictable situations.
  • How developing positive driving behaviors can prevent collisions
  • How emotions affect driving behavior
  • The dangers of driving while sleep deprived….. And much more
Points Values For Common Traffic Violations (Values are for S.c. Drivers, Points vary by state)
2 Points
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Speeding (less than 10MPH over limit)
  • Failing to dim lights
  • Distracted Driving (1st offense)
  • Improper Lane Change
4 points
  • Failure to yield right of way
  • Speeding (10-25 MPH above limit)
  • Improper Passing 
  • Following too closely
  • Disregarding a stop sign or traffic control device
  • Driving on wrong side of road
6 points
  • Reckless Driving
  • Speeding (25 MPH or more above limit)
  • Passing a stopped school bus
  • Hit and Run with Property Damage
Important Information
  • South Carolina Driver’s License has 12 points before suspension
  • Point Reduction Classes may be taken only once every 3 years
  • If you have less than 4 points against your Motor Vehicle Report then only that number of points will be removed
  • You MUST be on time for class
 Course Details

The AAA Accredited Driver Improvement course tuition is $80 per student.

This one day class is offered multiple times monthly. 

In-Person Classes are not being offered at this time.

Online Classes are available every Saturday around 8:30 AM. Class lengths vary based on breaks and class flow.

*Course fees are subject to change.

Book Your Class Below

Class Details

Drivers Ed in Greer SC.

Welcome to RJ'S

What we Offer

We teach state-certified Drivers Ed classes for students in the Greer, Spartanburg, Greenville, Taylors, Woodruff, Travelers Rest, and Surrounding area. We offer Full Drivers Education classes, Drivers License & Beginners Permit Testing, 4 Point Reduction Courses, Hourly Driving Practice and Insurance Discount Forms.

Why Take Our Course?

Drivers Education can be a stressful experience but at RJ’S we offer a professional, patient, relaxed, and friendly, learning environment.  

What Makes us Different

  • We accept all major credit cards.
  • We have the best prices.
  • Over 10yrs Experience.
  • Weekly Classes

About The Class

Classes are held Online & In-Person on Saturdays, beginning at 8:30AM. For in-person services, we are located at 293 Spartanburg Hwy Lyman, SC 29365. When facing the Clock Restaurant we are located in the shopping area to the right. If you are pulling into a parking lot with the Orange & White Parallel parking barriers, you are in the correct shopping center. Lunch (pizza) will be provided and bottled water, we also have a refrigerator and microwave if you prefer to bring your own lunch. Cell phone use is allowed during classroom breaks so feel free to bring them.  If you wish to do the online class, book online below. The instructor will email you a link for your ZOOM class login, on the evening before class. Class topics covered range from Defensive Driving techniques to Drivers Test Maneuvers. On the day of class, students will be able to schedule drive times and they may need to communicate with parents in advance to help choose available drive times that work for everyone concerned. 

Course Pricing 

The course costs $290, for the class and driving. The drivers test is an additional $50. Students will receive the required state paperwork and an Insurance Discount FormWe accept all major credit cards

Book Our Drivers Ed Class Below


Frequently Asked Questions

Most Frequent Questions  and Answers

Am I required to take Drivers Ed?

The State of South Carolina requires you to take a drivers education course if you are under 17 years of age.

Will I Get an Insurance Discount if I complete the course?

Yes. If you complete the classroom and driving course (Drivers Ed), you will receive a Defensive Driving Certificate. Most major Insurance companies give students who complete the course, a discount of 10 percent.

Do you give the DMV drivers test?

Yes. We offer Same Day drivers testing in most cases. If you are 15 or 16yrs old, you must take Drivers Ed with us OR bring proof of completion of valid drivers education course (PDLA). Drivers Education is not required if you are 17yrs old or older. If you are 15-17yrs old, you must have had your beginners permit for at least 181 days, OR previously held a valid U.S. drivers license in a different state. If you are 18yrs or older you only need to hold a beginners permit for 30 days to be eligible to test. Drivers tests are $70.

Do you teach parallel parking?

Yes. We have taught hundreds of students how to successfully parallel park. We also teach the other required maneuvers for the test, including 3pt turn, straight-line back, and overnight park.

Do you accept credit cards?

Yes. We prefer cash or debit purchases but we accept all major credit cards. We also take tap to pay transactions. We do not accept checks at this time.

What do I need to bring to class?

You will need to bring your Beginners Permit (If you have one, if not, we offer the permit test), a method of payment (cash or card), and a parent or legal guardian to fill out the required paperwork. Lunch (pizza) will be provided and bottled water, we also have a refrigerator if you prefer to bring your own lunch. Cell phone use is allowed during classroom breaks so feel free to bring them.

About Us

Meet the Instructor

Luke Townsend is a former State Trooper and worked with Roadrunner Driving Academy as a driving instructor, for more than 8yrs before leaving to start his own business. He believes that drivers ed classes should be informative, relaxed, fun, and professional. He is a graduate of Wofford College, an Atlanta Braves fan, and enjoys kayaking and fishing. 

Greenville Drivers Training Instructor

Meet The Family

Luke and his wife Ashley have been married since 2007 and have four sons, Nolan, Logan, Carson, and Macon. 

Greenville Drivers Training Family

Contact Us

Questions about Our Drivers Ed Classes, 4pt Reduction Courses, Insurance Discounts, or Drivers Testing? We're here to help.

ADDRESS: 293 Spartanburg Hwy

                    Lyman, SC 29365

PHONE: (864) 704-7295



Student Resources




Beginners Permit Study Materials

Student Driving Articles




9 Tips To Help with your DMV Experience

For most people going to the DMV is probably not as stressful as going to the dentist to get that long-overdue root canal or talking to the judge about that speeding ticket you got last month. But DMV experiences can get a little tricky at times and we’ve all heard the horror stories from people who’ve had a bad experience. Here are 9 things to keep in mind before your next visit.


  • You’re only hearing one side of the story. It is important to remember that you’re only hearing about it from one perspective and that most of the stories have been passed down from person to person until they are much worse than what actually occurred.
  • DMV employees have rules they are required to follow….Feel free to question but don’t argue. We all have to make a living and the person in front of you at the DMV is no exception. If you feel that they are making you do more than is required, ask them politely to check with the person in charge, to see if there is some way to complete your business with the paperwork you have. Many times this will work out for you but if it doesn’t, keep a good attitude, get clear instructions on exactly what is required and do your best to comply.
  • Be sure you have all required paperwork & documentation in hand before you go. Nothing makes a DMV trip go more smoothly than having all of your ducks in a row. A simple google search could save you a trip and a lot of time.
  •  Paperwork mistakes are OK…..Most of the time. If you make a mistake on your DMV paperwork, it can be corrected in most cases by simply crossing out the mistake with a single line through the word and then placing your initials at the upper right corner of it and circling them. Remember blue or black ink is preferable for DMV paperwork. If you need replacement copies for your paperwork, don’t hesitate to contact us, we can help.
  • If you have an appointment, be on time. Leave home a little early to allow for heavy traffic and unexpected delays.
  • If you’re under 17yrs old, you must bring a parent or legal guardian. In most cases you will need them to sign for you.
  • Allot enough time to complete your business. Nothing worse than getting half-way through the process and having to leave before you complete it. This is stressful for everyone and definitely not worth it.
  • Avoid the August Rush. Got to have your license because you have to drive to school tomorrow? In Driver’s Training we call it the August rush and we love it! Although it’s great for business and we enjoy the challenge, it takes more time to get through the DMV and should be avoided if possible.
  • Driver’s License Services End Earlier Than Closing Time. If you’re looking to get your license after school, go directly to the DMV without delay. DMV Driver’s License Services stop before closing time. Depending on the situation, a parent may consider allowing the student to leave school early, to be sure they have enough time to get through the process. 

If you keep these tips in mind, a trip to the DMV doesn’t have to be a painful experience and remember, it will be worth it in the end. Good Luck out there!

Greer Drivers Training SCDMV